
Thursday, August 18, 2016

Appliances Causing Circuit Breakers to Trip? Call an Electrician ASAP

An electrical circuit is defined as a path or loop through which electricity flows. A home can comprise several circuits, depending on its size and the different types of appliance used. Each circuit will require a circuit breaker that cuts the flow of electricity if there is an overload or an appliance is using up too much power. By cutting electrical flow, the circuit breaker prevents the wires from overheating.

Dedicated circuits with breakers are designed to protect not only your appliances, but your home and family as well. When major appliances don’t have a separate circuit and breaker, turning them on simultaneously can create an overload that ‘trips’ the breaker and cuts the flow of electricity. If this happens too often, the breaker can experience wear and no longer trip, which can overheat the wires and lead to a potentially dangerous fire.

If you’re wondering which appliances need a dedicated circuit breaker, the rule of thumb is that appliances with a power rating equal to or more than 1,000 watts should have its own circuit breaker. If this sounds too technical, then here’s the simplified version: if the appliance is at a fixed location, has its own motor, and/or is crucial to your home’s comfort and safety, it should have its own dedicated circuit breaker. This can include appliances such as a refrigerator, freezer, microwave, water heater, dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, air conditioner, hot tub/Jacuzzi, and garbage disposal.

If you suspect that your breakers are no longer functioning well, it can be difficult to tell on your own which circuit breaker needs replacing or if the whole breaker panel must be replaced entirely. To be sure, contact a licensed electrician in your area. Refusing to have your panel checked ASAP may save you a little today, but it could cost you a lot in the long run.


Why Do My Appliances Trip Circuit Breakers?, angieslist.com

What Appliances Should Be on Their Own Breakers?, homeguides.sfgate.com

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